Flexibility Turnout Transformation
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Video time: 9 minutes
Level: Intermediate-Very Advanced
Course overview
In 9 Minutes improve 1st, 2nd, 5th Position, middle splits & Over-All Turn-Out. Stacey reveals break-through flexibility hip flexor- low back release techniques. Get unstuck! Join this powerful session as Stacey guides pre-pro ballet dancer Anya to immediate measurable results.
Note: This course is 9 minutes but, very intense! Please be warmed up beforehand preferably with one of Stacey's other courses or on your own.
Note: This course is 9 minutes but, very intense! Please be warmed up beforehand preferably with one of Stacey's other courses or on your own.
Anya's before & after happened during filming this exact course. She's currently in the professional track program with State Street Ballet

Course Lessons