4 Essential Stretches for Flexibility- Release Tight Calves, Hips & Back

Feb 14 / Stacey Nemour Flexibility Master/Martial Artist © protected material not for reuse without direct permission

 Watch my 3 detailed videos with essential stretches to increase flexibility and release tight calves, hips and back pain. These informative clips are from my television segment on KCEQ channel 3 “Eye on the Desert”.

 Flexibility, hip mobility and properly stretching the calf is a essential to perform with full range of motion, stop pain, and injuries in there tracks.  The right flexibility and stretching program is the key missing element to millions needlessly suffering out there.

 My flexibility training  system is used by beginners established performers, ballerinas, World Class Athletes & Olympians to immediately increase mobility, help clear severe pain, injuries and release stored trauma in the mind and body.

I start by stretching the feet which are our tires. Like tires they need alignment and balancing to perform at optimum levels. The foot hip connection of tightness runs all the way up into the hip and back. Which can lead to Achilles, knee, hip, and back pain.

Flexibility is a Real Determinate on How Healthy You Are 

Disclaimer: Speak to a professional for all your health needs and seek their counsel. Children need to be under adult supervision at all times. We disclaim all liability for any physical harm resulting from the information on this website. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. Stacey Nemour, Flexibility Makeover and/or associated affiliates will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustained because of this training series. By continuing to the program, you acknowledge that you have read this disclaimer and agreed.

1. Flexibility Begins at the Feet & Calf

 The calf muscle is also known as the second heart. Because the calf muscle assists the heart in circulating blood throughout your body it’s really important to keep them strong and healthy. Stretching can not only help you avoid certain overuse injuries and help clear plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis.  It also helps improve :
*Blood circulation in your legs. This can go a long way if you have diabetes!
*Foot pain due to conditions like arthritis
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 To do this highly beneficial calf stretch you will need a yoga block   Hold onto the wall or countertop put one foot on yoga block and put other foot on block to stabilize it. Slide the one foot down until heel touches the ground. Make sure foot is pointing straight ahead. 

2. Stretch for Back Release

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Grab a chair or seat to release the entire back and let go of stress

  2. Hip opener & back release

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Use Yoga Block or Place Both Hands on Under Hip on Top of the Leg (Never Ever Push Directly on the Knees) For more great stretches see Flexibility & Hip Mobility

Take your Flexibility Transformation All The Way

Man increased flexibility able to do forward bends in hamstring stretch & butterfly wings
Results during my flexibility training Session with Ryan 
More about the author Stacey's work: Flexibility coach to top athletes: Olympians, professional dancers, Cirque Du Soleil performers, established actors, pro soccer, NBA players, gymnasts, track & field, figure skaters, hockey players, UFC champion Victor Belfort and Carlson Gracie Team and more! As a professional martial artist she used her understanding of how to maximize range of motion with perfect alignment performing as an action actress: including a guest lead on “Power Rangers” and in video games. Flexibility Mobility Guru on KSEQ TV News Channel 3 "Eye n the Desert" Stacey has contributed over 30+ articles to the Huffington Post and has been featured in many publications.

Email Stacey for free consultation if you need help choosing the right program for your exact needs

Dancer increased flexibility able to now do needle pose straight up

Game changing flexibility tools

Stacey posture strap immediately improves posture
Stretching strap: Stacey Stretch Strap I custom designed with the perfect level of tension, stretchy strong material yet soft on the skin with continuous loops to choose from according to level and needs.

Posture Strap: If you have poor posture this will get reinforced when you stretch or workout. A hunched over posture affects breathing and mental health. To get flexible fast breathing deeply is necessary to allow the mind and body to let go. I custom designed Stacey Posture Strap to immediately correct posture and take pressure off the neck, back and shoulders.

Yoga Blocks
: If you’re unable to reach the floor in certain poses a block can be a useful way to create length and bring the ground closer to you. Doing so will enable you to experience the full benefit of the pose, without straining your body or compromising your alignment.

Yoga blocks have many uses and benefits,  including offering support for all levels,  releasing tension, preventing strain or injury, and increasing strength and flexibility.

Calf/ Achilles Stretcher
: The Bob Calf Master will increase speed, strength, ankle mobility, and vertical jump. It strengthens and stretches muscles, tendons, ligaments, helps treat plantar fasciitis, and is the ultimate lower leg solution.

Setting up your flexibility training area: 

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Set up your flexibility training space for flexibility courses & or a private session with Stacey

All you need is an area with some clear wall space to support the body and keep the back out of it all.

A matt that protects back and knees from getting bruised

Least 2-4 Yoga Blocks

1-2 Stacey Stretch Straps

Stacey Posture Strap – if posture needs support

A chair or step stool to help with balance

Water bottle- hydration is a must!
Stacey using Stacey Stretch Strap to support lifting leg straight up iin standing over-splits
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