During my private flexibility session via Skype with Diane
King Pigeon Pose, or Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, is an advanced
yoga pose that will help develop balance, core and upper body strength. In this
blog I will show you how to flexibility train to build up to perform King
Pigeon Pose with good form.
How to Start King Pigeon Pose Training
The pigeon pose is
the gateway to the more advanced king pigeon pose variations. Pigeon poses
specifically works as a hip opener and stretches your thighs, groin, back, piriformis, and psoas. The leg extended
to the rear stretches the psoas and other hip flexors. While the front leg bent in front receives an other hip stretch.
Start here and build
from there. In my video I show an incredibly effective way to properly
open the body with king pigeon pose variations. A strap is a must have to maximize the flexibility training
needed to advance.
I custom designed my
Stacey Stretch Strap different from all the other straps on the market. It has
the perfect amount of stretchy resistance to give the support needed with
strong yet soft material to not be abrasive to skin with continuous loops to
easily choose tension level.
For added support during this pose, rest the hands-on blocks
or towels placed underneath the thighs.
Let’s break it down
Pigeon pose:
How to start one legged pigeon pose:

Pigeon pose continued:
with the front leg leg bent with knee going out to the side so the hip can get
stretched. If you are a beginner and this is uncomfortable keep foot closer in
to grion.
Make sure the back leg that is straight is turned under (not rolled
out) you want to feel the top of the knee and foot (the instep) is making
direct contact with the floor or matt. If you still can not comfortably sit in
this pose, slide some yoga blocks or blanket underneath the area that is popped
If you do this correctly you will feel stabilized. If you are having a
difficult time sitting up straight, then do this near a wall where you can put
one hand on the wall to
help you balance. Another great way to sit up straight and help with balance is
to have a chair in front of you and rest your hands on the seat.
Resting pigeon pose:
From pigeon pose, inhale deep and on the exhale bend forward over your front leg. If your flexibility allows you lead with the chest all the way down to the mat, or place blocks or cushions for it to rest your forehead on. For added stretch extend the arms out in front of you

Open it all up

Improve back arch:
Start laying on your stomach and place 2 yoga blocks underneath your shoulders. Inhale and as you exhale push hands into blocks as you straighten your arms. Keep your low back relaxed, (it is always best to keep the back out of all stretches) For more advanced bring feet towards head. Also see How to get a Flexible Back for Dance

Lunge using a chair:
Hip Opener Reclined Pigeon Pose:
Now slowly bend the straight leg you may continue to apply pressure in the same area as you were if you feel a nice opening happening. Then reach hands through the leg and pull knee towards chest remembering to keep the foot flexed on the leg that is turned out. Repeat to on the other side.
King Pigeon Yoga Pose:

Best flexibility props for measurable results:
An area with some clear wall space
A chair for extra support
A stretchy stretch strap (Stacey Stretch Strap is designed for this)
Yoga blocks
Stacey Posture Strap
Common Issues and hold ups:
A common hold up is just working on one pose without opening the entire body first. For example, if you want to improve back flexibility just arching back with out the balance of rounding forward and stretching all the connecting muscles progress is limited. This is how pain and injuries occur to due to this imbalance.
Since everything is connected from head to toe the more comprehensive your flexibility program is the bigger the payoff when you go into all the yoga poses and king pigeon pose.

tightness is holding you back:
the no pain no gain belief:
As with life and the
body when you try to force something it creates more resistance. True progress
comes from relaxing into things. Whenever you feel locked up and stuck in a
holding pattern the best things to do are:
1. This is a sign that many connecting areas of the body are not receiving the right stretches that it needs. My flexibility training programs are designed to address what has been holding you back and provide authenticated solutions.
2. Do not hold any painful stretches or poses for long. Breathe into it and get out. Repeat. Until the body gets used to it. This is how the breakthrough happens by allowing your body to process in between
3. Remember the more you stretch, and flexibility
train the entire body the bigger the payoff!
4. Need help choosing the best flexibility program tailored to your exact needs. Contact me for a free consultation