Running time: 1 hour & 2 minutes. Intermediate -Advanced
This is the updated longer version with 20 minutes bonus material. Re-shot to air on TV on Sky Channel UK and European Territories. Stacey demonstrates unique stretches and exercises that will enable you to attain a new level of splits & flexibility that usually requires years of training and demonstrates the exact correct sequence in which to do them
This is the updated longer version with 20 minutes bonus material. Re-shot to air on TV on Sky Channel UK and European Territories. Stacey demonstrates unique stretches and exercises that will enable you to attain a new level of splits & flexibility that usually requires years of training and demonstrates the exact correct sequence in which to do them

Review: Dutch Yoga Magazine
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Stacey Stretch Strap®
The most effective tool for rapid results to increase flexibility. Deepen your stretches, immediately correct your form and improve range of motion.
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Stacey Posture Strap
Experience immediate improvement to your posture. Use this in conjunction with this course to rapidly improve your range of motion and overall posture

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